About us Contacts Drug interactions: 390 212
Drug search by name

Compatibility check

Drug interaction and compatibility service. The following reference sources were used in the course of work: Drugs.com, Rxlist.com, Webmd.com, Medscape.com. The data was checked by reviewer Shkutko P.M., M.D., in

Drugs starting with «A»
Drug name Interactions
Amaryl 6982
Anafranil 6839
Apo-Cyclosporine Oral 6506
Drugs starting with «B»
Drug name Interactions
Betapace 5974
Betapace AF 5974
Belbuca 5820
Drugs starting with «C»
Drug name Interactions
Cerebyx 8276
Coumadin Injection 7627
Coumadin 7627
Drugs starting with «D»
Drug name Interactions
Dilantin 8960
Dilantin-125 8960
Dilantin-30 8960
Drugs starting with «E»
Drug name Interactions
Euglucon 7135
Epitol 6764
Equetro 6764
Drugs starting with «F»
Drug name Interactions
Fosphenytoin 8276
Fosphenytoin Sodium 8276
Fosphenytoin Injection 8276
Drugs starting with «G»
Drug name Interactions
Glyburide Micronized 7135
Glyburide 7135
Glyburide Tablets 7135
Drugs starting with «H»
Drug name Interactions
Halcion 6289
Hemangeol 6135
Haldol 6002
Drugs starting with «I»
Drug name Interactions
Irenka 7253
Imipramine Hydrochloride 6489
Imipramine Capsules 6489
Drugs starting with «J»
Drug name Interactions
Jantoven 7627
Juxtapid 5417
Juxtapid Capsules 5417
Drugs starting with «K»
Drug name Interactions
Ketoconazole 6508
Ketoconazole (Systemic) 6508
Ketoconazole Tablets 6508
Drugs starting with «L»
Drug name Interactions
Luminal 6885
Luvox CR 6554
Luvox 6554
Drugs starting with «M»
Drug name Interactions
Micronase 7135
Midazolam Hydrochloride 6368
Midazolam 6368
Drugs starting with «N»
Drug name Interactions
Nilotinib 7466
Nefazodone Hydrochloride 6528
Nefazodone 6528
Drugs starting with «O»
Drug name Interactions
Oxcarbazepine Oral Suspension 5753
Oxcarbazepine 5753
Oxcarbazepine Extended-Release Tablets 5753
Drugs starting with «P»
Drug name Interactions
Phenytoin 8960
Phenytoin Capsules 8960
Phenytek 8960
Drugs starting with «Q»
Drug name Interactions
Quetiapine Fumarate 6064
Quetiapine 6064
Quetiapine Extended-Release Tablets 6064
Drugs starting with «R»
Drug name Interactions
Risperdal M-Tab 7384
Risperdal 7384
Risperdal Consta 7384
Drugs starting with «S»
Drug name Interactions
Sprycel 6795
Serzone 6528
Sandimmune (Cyclosporine Oral Solution) 6506
Drugs starting with «T»
Drug name Interactions
Thalomid 7613
Thalidomide 7613
Tasigna 7466
Drugs starting with «U»
Drug name Interactions
Up and Up Anti-Diarrheal Solution 4914
Ultram ODT 4865
Ultram 4865
Drugs starting with «V»
Drug name Interactions
Versacloz 7312
Versed injection 6368
Versed 6368
Drugs starting with «W»
Drug name Interactions
Warfarin Sodium 7627
Warfarin 7627
Wine 5617
Drugs starting with «X»
Drug name Interactions
Xenleta (Lefamulin Injection) 5339
Xenleta (Lefamulin Tablets) 5339
Xenleta 5339
Drugs starting with «Y»
Drug name Interactions
Yonsa 3683
Yondelis 3677
Yosprala 3186
Drugs starting with «Z»
Drug name Interactions
Zykadia 6844
Ziprasidone Capsules 6157
Ziprasidone Hydrochloride 6157