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Flebogamma and Robitussin Cough & Allergy

Determining the interaction of Flebogamma and Robitussin Cough & Allergy and the possibility of their joint administration.

Check result:
Flebogamma <> Robitussin Cough & Allergy
Relevance: 02.08.2022 Reviewer: Shkutko P.M., M.D., in

No interaction was detected between the selected drugs or effects of joint drug administration are currently understudied, and it takes time and accumulated statistics to determine their interaction. A doctor should be consulted to address the issue of joint drug administration.


Generic Name: immune globulin intravenous

Brand name: Carimune, Flebogamma, Gammaplex, Octagam, Privigen, Bivigam, Carimene N/F, Flebogamma DIF, Octagam Gammagard S/D, Gammagard S/D, Sandoglobulin, Venoglobulin-S 5%, Venoglobulin-S 10%, Gammar IV, Gammar-P IV, Iveegam, Polygam S/D, Gamimune N 5%, Gamimune N 10%, Panglobulin, Iveegam EN, Gamunex, Panglobulin NF, Gammagard, Panzyga

Synonyms: Flebogamma (IGIV)

Robitussin Cough & Allergy

Generic Name: chlorpheniramine / dextromethorphan / phenylephrine

Brand name: Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold and Cough, Balamine DM, Ed A-Hist DM, Gencontuss, Giltuss Allergy Plus, NoHist DM, Robitussin Cough & Allergy, Cerose DM, Tussar DM, Liquituss R-DM, Atuss DM, Norel DM, Poly-Tussin DM, De-Chlor DM, De-Chlor DR, Coldtuss-DR, Tri-Vent DPC, Atuss DR, Corfen-DM, Uni-Tuss DM, Mintuss DR, Trital DM, P Chlor DM, Dex PC, Rondec-DM Drops, Rondec-DM, Donatussin DM Drops, Ceron-DM Drops, Ceron-DM, Rondex-DM, Rondex-DM Drops, Dec-Chlorphen DM, Dec-Chlorphen DM Drops, HistadecDM, CP Dec DM, Neo DM Drops, Cardec DM Drops, Reme Tussin DM, Maxiphen ADT, Tussplex DM, Robitussin Pediatric Cough & Cold Nighttime, Robitussin Cough & Cold Nighttime, Cardec DM, C-Phen DM, C-Phen DM Drops, Sildec-PE DM Drops, Sildec-PE DM, Nasohist-DM, DM-PE-Chlor, CP Dec-DM Drops, PD-Cof Drops, PD-Cof, Zotex-12D, Quartuss DM, Nohist-DMX, Sonahist-DM, Relahist-DM, Z-Dex 12 D, Bronkids, Statuss DM, Albatussin SR, NoHist-PDX, Re DCP, Centergy DM, Zoden DM Drops, Trigofen DM Drops, Nasohist-DM Pediatric, Tri-Dex PE, Virdec DM, Norel CS, EndaCof Drops, Giltuss Children's Allergy Plus, Maxichlor PEH DM

Synonyms: n.a.

In the course of checking the drug compatibility and interactions, data from the following reference sources was used: Drugs.com, Rxlist.com, Webmd.com, Medscape.com.

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