About us Contacts Drug interactions: 390 212
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About us

Hello! My name is Shkutko Pavel. I am an author, scientific consultant and leader of the Doktika.com project team.

Our web-site is based on the database of verified information on authoritative sources such as Drugs.com, Rxlist.com, Webmd.com, Medscape.com. After information processing and full manual check on the received data, we created the Doktika.com service, which allows you to check the interaction of drugs with each other and evaluate the possible positive or negative consequences of the combined use of them.

The site is multilingual, based on a semi-automatic translation, it provides verified information to visitors from different countries. Site mirrors (additional languages) you can find here:

The mission of our team, the result of our work is to help doctors and their patients to check the possible negative and positive consequences of using various combinations of medicine - to control and to make decisions on further treatment. Before practical use, be sure to check the information from our web-site with your personal doctor, because errors are possible in any work, even ours.

Our project on social media platforms: Facebook.

About me: in 2005, I graduated from the Belarusian State Medical University, received the specialty "General medicine". In 2006 my clinical residency takes place in the context of the 17th urban polyclinic in Minsk, than I was confirmed by a diploma. After that, I continuously work as a general practitioner in state and municipal health care institutions and also provide private medical practice services. I am working also as a consultant for many online and telemedicine consultation services. I know and understand needs of visitors addressed to medical services. I continue to work as a private practitioner for my regular customers. I am constantly improving myself professionally through online and offline refresher courses. I live with my wife and my wonderful daughter in the city of Minsk, where I create online medical services that are useful to citizens of different countries.

My blog about flu: grippozus.ru
My scientific articles about flu, medicine and vaccinations for treatment and prevention this infection; a series of these articles for a popular Russian web-site gazeta.ru
My TV interview in the popular Russian television programme "Chelovek i Zakon" ("Man and the law"): link

You can contact Dr. Pavel Shkutko by e-mail: pavelshkutko@tut.by. I read all the letters, but I do not always have enough time to answer everyone or provide a personal consultation on the compatibility of drugs with each other.

My social networks: Linkedin