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AccuHist Drops and Darunavir Tablets

Determining the interaction of AccuHist Drops and Darunavir Tablets and the possibility of their joint administration.

Check result:
AccuHist Drops <> Darunavir Tablets
Relevance: 03.12.2022 Reviewer: Shkutko P.M., M.D., in

No interaction was detected between the selected drugs or effects of joint drug administration are currently understudied, and it takes time and accumulated statistics to determine their interaction. A doctor should be consulted to address the issue of joint drug administration.

AccuHist Drops

Generic Name: chlorpheniramine / phenylephrine

Brand name: Actifed Cold & Allergy, Allan Tannate Pediatric, Allerest PE, BP Allergy JR, ChlorTan D, Cold & Allergy Relief, Dallergy Drops, Ed A-Hist, Ed ChlorPed D, NoHist LQ, Phenagil, R-Tanna, Sinus & Allergy PE, Sudafed PE Sinus & Allergy, Phenylhistine, Ru-Tuss, Novahistine Elixir, Histatab Plus, Ed A-Hist LA, Rynatan Pediatric, Rynatan, Phenchlor Tannate Pediatric, Relera, Rondec Drops, Rondec, Ceron, Ceron Drops, Chlor-Mes Jr, Dallergy-JR, Rondex, Rondex Drops, Ny-Tannic, Dec-Chlorphen, Dec-Chlorphen Drops, C Phen Drops, C Phen, Tannate Pediatric, Histadec, PediaTan D, Rescon-Jr, CP Dec, Cardec Drops, P-Tann D, Triaminic Cold & Allergy, Rinate Pediatric, Cardec, AlleRx, Sildec-PE Drops, Sildec-PE, Nasohist Pediatric, PD-Hist D Drops, PD-Hist D, CP Dec Drops, Tanahist-D, Ry-Tann, Sonahist, Sinus & Allergy Maximum Strength, NoHist, Trigofen Drops, Lohist, Virdec, Maxichlor PEH, Giltuss Allergy & Sinus, Novahistine, Triaminic Cold/Allergy

Synonyms: n.a.

Darunavir Tablets

Generic Name: darunavir

Brand name: Prezista

Synonyms: Darunavir

In the course of checking the drug compatibility and interactions, data from the following reference sources was used: Drugs.com, Rxlist.com, Webmd.com, Medscape.com.

Interaction with food and lifestyle
Disease interaction