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Adalat CC and Timoptic-XE

Determining the interaction of Adalat CC and Timoptic-XE and the possibility of their joint administration.

Check result:
Adalat CC <> Timoptic-XE
Relevance: 06.04.2022 Reviewer: Shkutko P.M., M.D., in

In the database of official manuals used in the service creation an interaction registered by statistical results of studies was found, which can either lead to negative consequences for the patient health or strengthen a mutual positive effect. A doctor should be consulted to address the issue of joint drug administration.


Timolol ophthalmic and NIFEdipine may have additive effects in lowering your blood pressure and heart rate. You may experience headache, dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting, and/or changes in pulse or heart beat. These side effects are most likely to be seen at the beginning of treatment, following a dose increase, or when treatment is restarted after an interruption. Let your doctor know if you develop these symptoms and they do not go away after a few days or they become troublesome. You may need a dose adjustment or more frequent monitoring by your doctor to safely use both medications. Avoid driving or operating hazardous machinery until you know how the medications affect you, and use caution when getting up from a sitting or lying position. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first talking to your doctor.


MONITOR: Additive reductions in heart rate, cardiac conduction, and cardiac contractility may occur when calcium channel blockers are used concomitantly with beta blockers, particularly in patients with ventricular or conduction abnormalities. While this combination may be useful and effective in some situations, potentially serious cardiovascular adverse effects such as congestive heart failure, severe hypotension, and/or exacerbation of angina may occur. The proposed mechanisms include additive slowing in AV conduction, reduced cardiac contractility secondary to beta-blockade, and decreased peripheral vascular resistance secondary to calcium channel blockade. In addition, some calcium channel blockers may inhibit the CYP450 metabolism of hepatically metabolized beta blockers, resulting in increased serum concentrations.

MANAGEMENT: Close clinical monitoring of patient hemodynamic response and tolerance is recommended if a calcium channel blocker is prescribed with a beta blocker, and the dosage of one or both agents adjusted as necessary. The same precaution should be observed when beta blocker ophthalmic solutions are used, since they are systemically absorbed and can produce clinically significant systemic effects even at low or undetectable plasma levels.

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Adalat CC

Generic Name: nifedipine

Brand name: Adalat CC, Afeditab CR, Nifediac CC, Nifedical XL, Procardia, Procardia XL, Adalat

Synonyms: n.a.


Generic Name: timolol ophthalmic

Brand name: Betimol, Istalol, Timoptic Ocudose, Timoptic Ocumeter, Timoptic Ocumeter Plus, Timoptic-XE, Timoptic

Synonyms: Timoptic XE

In the course of checking the drug compatibility and interactions, data from the following reference sources was used: Drugs.com, Rxlist.com, Webmd.com, Medscape.com.

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