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Adrenalin (Epinephrine Injection Solution) and Calcium and vitamin D combination

Determining the interaction of Adrenalin (Epinephrine Injection Solution) and Calcium and vitamin D combination and the possibility of their joint administration.

Check result:
Adrenalin (Epinephrine Injection Solution) <> Calcium and vitamin D combination
Relevance: 18.10.2022 Reviewer: Shkutko P.M., M.D., in

No interaction was detected between the selected drugs or effects of joint drug administration are currently understudied, and it takes time and accumulated statistics to determine their interaction. A doctor should be consulted to address the issue of joint drug administration.

Adrenalin (Epinephrine Injection Solution)

Generic Name: epinephrine

Brand name: Adrenalin, Auvi-Q, Epinephrinesnap-EMS, EpiPen 2-Pak, EpiPen JR 2-Pak, EPIsnap, Symjepi, Auvi-Q Auto-injector, Primatene Mist Inhaler, Adrenaclick, EpiPen, Twinject, Primatene Mist

Synonyms: Adrenalin, Adrenalin Injection

Calcium and vitamin D combination

Generic Name: calcium / vitamin d

Brand name: Calcitrate with D, Caltrate 600+D Soft Chews, Citracal + D, Os-Cal Extra D3, Oystercal-D, UpCal D, Os-Cal 250 with D, Oysco D, Dical-D, Calcet, Oyster Shell Calcium with Vitamin D, O-Cal-D, Oyster-D, Oyst-Cal-D, Caltro with Vitamin D, Oysco 500 with D, Oysco D with Calcium, Os-Cal with D, Caltrate 600 with D, Calcarb with D, Posture-D H/P, Dical Captabs, Dicalphos plus D, Os-Cal 500 with D, Caltrate 600 with D Plus Soy, Caltrate Colon Health, Calvite P & D, Sedecal D, Chewable Calcium with Vitamin D, Osteocit D Plus, Os-Cal 500 + D, Citracal Petites, Citracal Creamy Bites, Citracal 250 mg + D, Calcio Del Mar, Citrus Calcium with Vitamin D, Calcium 600+D, Risacal-D, Liquid Calcium with Vitamin D, Citracal Maximum + D, Citracal Calcium + D Slow Release 1200, Citracal Calcium Gummies, Caltrate Gummy Bites, Super Calcium 600 + D3 400, Os-Cal Calcium+D3, Caltrate 600 + D, Citracal Regular, Calcet Petites, Calcium 500+D, D3 with Calcium, Calcitrate, Caltrate 600+D, Os-Cal 500+D, Os-Cal 500+Extra D Chewable

Synonyms: n.a.

In the course of checking the drug compatibility and interactions, data from the following reference sources was used: Drugs.com, Rxlist.com, Webmd.com, Medscape.com.