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Reglan (Metoclopramide Tablets) and ZzzQuil

Determining the interaction of Reglan (Metoclopramide Tablets) and ZzzQuil and the possibility of their joint administration.

Check result:
Reglan (Metoclopramide Tablets) <> ZzzQuil
Relevance: 02.12.2023 Reviewer: Shkutko P.M., M.D., in

In the database of official manuals used in the service creation an interaction registered by statistical results of studies was found, which can either lead to negative consequences for the patient health or strengthen a mutual positive effect. A doctor should be consulted to address the issue of joint drug administration.


DiphenhydrAMINE may reduce the effects of metoclopramide. Contact your doctor if your symptoms worsen or your condition changes during treatment with these medications. Your doctor may be able to prescribe alternatives that do not interact. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first talking to your doctor


GENERALLY AVOID: Anticholinergic agents and other agents with significant anticholinergic activity (e.g., clozapine, class IA antiarrhythmics especially disopyramide) may antagonize the pharmacologic effects of gastrointestinal prokinetic agents. Gastrokinetic drugs such as domperidone and metoclopramide increase gastrointestinal motility by blocking peripheral dopamine receptors. Anticholinergic agents could negate this action.

MANAGEMENT: Concomitant use of gastrointestinal prokinetic agents with anticholinergic agents should be avoided, if possible.

  • "Product Information. Reglan (metoclopramide)." Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories, Philadelphia, PA.
  • "Product Information. Motilium (domperidone)." Janssen-Ortho Inc, Toronto, ON.
Reglan (Metoclopramide Tablets)

Generic Name: metoclopramide

Brand name: Reglan, Metozolv ODT

Synonyms: Reglan


Generic Name: diphenhydramine

Brand name: Allergy Relief, Allermax, Banophen, Benadryl, Compoz Nighttime Sleep Aid, Diphedryl, Diphenhist, Dytuss, Nytol QuickCaps, PediaCare Children's Allergy, Q-Dryl, QlearQuil Nightitme Allergy Relief, Quenalin, Scot-Tussin Allergy Relief Formula, Siladryl Allergy, Silphen Cough, Simply Sleep, Sleepinal, Sominex, Tranquil, Twilite, Unisom Sleepgels Maximum Strength, Valu-Dryl, Vanamine PD, Z-Sleep, ZzzQuil, plus many others, Benadryl Allergy, Complete Allergy, Nytol, Unisom SleepMelts

Synonyms: n.a.

In the course of checking the drug compatibility and interactions, data from the following reference sources was used: Drugs.com, Rxlist.com, Webmd.com, Medscape.com.

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